Sunday, April 26, 2009


In my recent readings I came across a phrase that jumped off the page. I'll start a few lines before. It's given me cause to reflect and better understand some of what I see happening out there.

"And still the hate grew. Public figures rose up, brainless and empty, spewing vile rhetoric against their own nations and the freedoms that had once made them great. Great leaders preached the loathing of anything decent or good. Hypocritical of the failings of virtue, endlessly forgiving of the failings of vice..."

Endlessly forgiving of the failings of vice...tolerant, embracing, accepting. Those who commit violent crimes and get out on parole, and/or get shortened sentences, again and again. Laws which are woefully inadequate in assigning commensurate punishment when compared to the gravity of the crime.

Hypocritical of the failings of virtue... Ones' whole life can be spent in honest pursuit of what is good, a single mistake or misunderstanding can destroy that. You don't even have to commit a crime, just have a vocal opponent spin scenarios of doubt, and your 'crime' is worse than decades of being a drug dealing dope addict. No opportunity given or permitted to defend your position. The truth can't be tolerated. The yellers and screamers don't want to hear it. It would interfere with the accepted myth they want to believe. Even a convicted criminal gets a day in court. Gossip is a vile activity. It's verbal assault, by stealth.

There are hundreds of examples of this paradox in literature and the news. Even more in individual communities and families. Lies have an origin and an inspiration.

I so appreciate the privilege of associating with people of good conscience. Mistakes are made (often :) ), but as we work through them, we help each other to become better. Truth is honored. I lift thee and thee lift me and we shall ascend together. This principle wouldn't work very well someone were to spread faulty perspectives in a forum that doesn't allow for correction and the influence of the spirit.

Food for thought.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Preparations for Tom's birthday

For the last year and a half, we have had major construction on a road near our home. (The road between our house & early morning seminary, our house & school etc.) the last year of that, the main throughfair has been closed while they reconstruct the May Creek Bridge. They have chosen Tom's birthday, July 16th, to officially open the new bridge.

What a birthday present! Savings on mileage, time & gas expenditures. :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Socialism & the War in Heaven

As I have listened to the news and read reports of major changes happening in our country (GM bailout, banking bailouts, government control of major industries, talk of socialized medicine, federalization of many other services etc.) and others around the world, it's been hard not to draw a few comparisons between what's happening now and our early beginnings in Heaven.

The word Socialism comes up a lot. This is what Wikipedia says about Socialism.

"Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating public or state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equality for all individuals, with a fair or egalitarian method of compensation."

It's hard to pin down all the details because there are so many different views regarding exactly how Socialism should be administered. Basically, I think that most people who advocate Socialism, want everyone to have what they need. (or what they want) No one should be in want or without. This seems like a noble ambition. Taking care of those who cannot (or will not?) care for themselves or their families.

I've been pondering the principles behind the idea. It's not new. In fact it's been around since before the world was created.

Lucifer was the son of the morning. He was one of the great ones. He was our brother. He became so great, in fact, that he decided that he didn't need God to progress. He began a rebellion against God that eventually pulled away 1/3 of our brothers and sisters, before they were ever born. He disagreed with the Plan of Salvation proposed by our Father in Heaven. This plan would allow each individual to come to earth and make choices about what was most important to them. They would then need to live with the consequences of those choices and/or learn from them and progressively make better choices. This plan encourages growth, learning, progression and independence.

He didn't want people to have the agency to choose between good and evil, right & wrong, good-better-best. After all, they might make poor choices and then they would suffer and others would suffer. They might not ever return to our Father in Heaven. Failure. No, that couldn't be allowed. If Lucifer had his way, he would force everyone to follow his plan, and all would return safe and sound. No mention of rigging the test. (What is the test, if you already know everyone will pass, regardless of their choices?) He would be in charge of everyone and everything and ensure equality for all. This plan encourages stagnation, weakness and dependence on others.

No matter, it was a lie. Lucifer knew it wasn't possible, but it was so attractive an idea, that lots of our siblings fell for it anyway. He's not called the Father of Lies for nothing.

It's the same with earthly Socialism. It's an attractive idea, but not possible. You cannot force people to be equal. Equality must come through free will and the use of agency on the part of each individual involved. When a community follows the teachings of Christ and truly tries to implement them, they become more unified in purpose. When each person is seeking the interest of his neighbor, there will be no rich and poor, no bond and free. All are free together, and all share equally, of their own free will. The City of Enoch did it in the Old Testament. The Nephites did it after Christ taught them the gospel in America.

When a government agency tries to force everyone to be equal, by working to give everyone everything they need, it destroys the positive influence of agency. People are then taught to expect someone else to care for them. Why take care of your neighbors? I pay taxes for the government to do that. It encourages selfishness and laziness. Why should I work harder, it will just be taken away to give to someone else who soesn't work or doesn't want to work. The evil of the dole. I need to work as little as I can to get 'my fair share' or 'what I'm entitled to'.

Our current system, while it does allow for failure, (Just like the Plan of Salvation) helps people to learn about cause and effect. Consequences are real when you must live with your own choices. This process helps us to learn and grow and prepare ourselves to meet God. Part of this process is to willingly help our neighbors and to share what we have, but not remove from them the consequences of their choices.

I'm grateful for a Father in Heaven who loves me enough to let me suffer through my poor choices and the poor choices of others while I learn about agency and how to use it. All of these experiences give me understanding and help prepare me to eventually return to him.