Sunday, February 28, 2010

Seeds for Storage

The more I learn about genetically modified foods and what these products do to our health, and to the health of our farm animals that we consume, the greater my desire to avoid genetically modified products. To me, they're like Frankenstein Food, created by people who do not understand the consequences of what they're doing, and don't appear to care about the long term results in our food supply and it's effect on people's health. God's original plant designs have been modified with negative results. Part of the problem is that so many farms have converted to genetically modified seed. It can be difficult to find non-hybrid, non-genetically modified seeds &/or fruit/vegetables to buy. We found this resource and decided to include it in our year's supply of needful things. I so long for the opportunity to grow our own garden again. I love fresh produce, especially when I'm sure of it's origin and how it was grown.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Weight Loss update

Last month, 4 weeks ago, I joined weight watchers online. At four weeks I am seeing steady progress. I have dropped 9 pounds, with quite a few to go. I'm not sure where to stop, but it's somewhere in the 135-155 range, depending on where my body fat percentage is & how my clothes fit when I get down there.

I am also challenging myself to an exercise regimen that will help rejuvenate my body & support my weight loss. 30 sessions of Hot Yoga in 30 days. It's easy to do with an unlimited membership. Today, I'm doing 2 sessions, because I don't go on Sundays.

There are also a few other steps I've taken to support my activity level, which supports my weight loss, mental clarity & general sense of well being.
1) Replaced the old scale. It was 12 years old and frustrating to use. This morning I stood on it 10 different times, got 6 different readings spanning 6.5 pounds. It was time to toss it.

2) Bought good sport bras to provide more even support. My chiropractor recommended the change to improve muscle spasms/aches in my back. He says it's a common experience for women.

3) Bought 3 new stainless steal water bottles. 3 for $14.99 at Costco 27 oz. adds up to 10 cups of water. They're small enough I can carry them with me into the classroom (at three different schools) and will help me maintain hydration throughout the day. My 40oz. bottle is great for Yoga, but really bulky to carry with school supplies.

4) Found an inexpensive source of fat free animal protein at Costco. $6 something for 48 servings of egg white. I add these to my morning smoothies to increase protein without 3 full fat eggs. Since milk, hemp, soy, rice & nuts milks/powders don't agree with my system, this was a great find.

I've invited Tom to go with me to Hot Yoga on Monday....more on that later. It's a gentle progressive class.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Lamp Maker and the Ten Virgins

Last weekend, our stake performed the musical, The Ten Virgins. A narrator told the story of a lamp maker, who made individual lamps for each of the women in his village, especially for her, according to her needs, abilities and interests. Each of the ten virgins has a short narrative and sings a song that outlines her defining characteristics and struggles and modes of service. This expansion of the parable helps us to see ourselves in many different lights, as we work on the concepts of procrastination, prioritization, personal preparedness and service.
At the first rehearsal, when we listened to each other sing for the first time, there were lots of tears. The lyrics are powerful and speak to the heart.

This is a dress rehearsal. Heather is on stage helping us with our lamps.

In fact, my daughter Heather was the Lamp Maker behind the scenes. She made twelve large lamps and devised a way to use the electrical mechanism from battery powered tea lights to make the lamps flicker with light on stage.

She made the large lamps, and then designed and made over 200 small lamps. One for each sister attending the musical. This project consumed a lot of her free time. I was amazed at her perseverance and dedication. Her art instructor at school (pottery/jewelry making) supported her endeavors and helped her to learn new skills to accomplish this task. He gave her an A on her report card last week, but in the comments said it was really an A+. I'm so proud of her!
She has so many talents and gifts, it will be an adventure to watch what she chooses to do with them throughout her life.

Me as Leora.