Monday, July 6, 2009

Faith & Works in Progress: Part 3

The last few weeks have marked the end of school, intense trips to Oregon to get the house ready to sell and lots of overtime for Tom. He's been putting in some very long days. The money is great, but he is tired.
When we checked our stats. We found that we were almost exactly the same for the last six weeks. We didn't gain or loose in pounds/inches. I did go down one more percentage point of body fat, making that a total of a 5% fat loss for me. I also began a vegetarian diet the week before school let out. It's a summer phase. The Word of Wisdom (Doctrine & Covenants section 89) suggests that going without meat in the summer would be a good idea. So, I'm doing it to see how it works out for me.
Tom bought pants two sizes smaller, and they're now a little loose. He no longer looks like some of these young gang banger Wanna Be's. Working outside, he is handsomely tan & increasingly more lean. So, with this third session largely on a plateau, we have regrouped and are redoubling our efforts to begin the next six week session. See you in 6 weeks.