Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thirteen Turtle Day

As part of our faith & works in action, we have begun to do more walking together. The closest location for this activity is about a mile away, at Gene Coulon Park. If you walk from one end to the other (including walkouts on the docks & all the way to the Boeing Renton plant in front of the waterfront condos) it's about 2.75 miles round trip. Gentle paved slopes, beautiful greenery, flowering trees & bushes & lots of animal life.

When we walk in the evening, we see more turtles than in the early day. Most days, we might see 2-4 turtles sunning themselves on rocks & logs floating in the water. One day a few weeks ago, we saw THIRTEEN! They were everywhere. Big ones, Little ones, green backs, black backs, coppery-rust backs with green or yellow bellies. Some loners, some sunning in groups. It's a highlight of our walk to watch for these gentle creatures.

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